Monday, November 14, 2011

Yes, we do get Autumn

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There are actual Maple trees in Los Angeles. These are ones on Alden Drive in Beverly Hills. About now they start to change, giving a three-block long mini New England. Of course, this show lasts for a two to three week period, then the trees are bare. Since our period where it's "cold" is so brief, they bud again seemingly in minutes.

I posted this pic to Facebook and one of my pals said something to the effect of "wouldn't it be nice to have snow in the trees?". Uh, sure. If it could fall in pleasant fat flakes while I was checked into a hotel room with a wood-burning fireplace. On my honeymoon with my new husband John Barrowman. Who gave me as an engagement present a new SLK.

If I have to wake up and start shoveling my car out I'll pass...

Photo: My iPhone