Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Visual Acoustics" is on Netflix Streaming..

My mother was born and raised Catholic. She often said that the most didactic pain-in-the-butt Catholics were ones were converts. So you all will forgive my starchy, topsider-wearing Victorian-growing-up-in convert fan-boy kvelling over the fact that the documentary on the Chronicler of All Things Modern is out on DVD and Netflix Streaming. It is not only a testament to the modernist movement in Los Angeles and of a singular talent of the man recording it, it's a testament to the fact that life doesn't end at 60 or 70 or 80. I met him when he was into his 80's and I hope to half as interested, connected and charmingly inquisitive as he was when I'm that age. I hope I'm that way this week...

Info on the DVD is here..

Photo: from his archive